The Basics of Blackjack


Blackjack is a game of strategy that requires skill and knowledge to play well. The house advantage in blackjack is high, but if you understand the rules and follow a few simple strategies, you can lower that percentage significantly. In the beginning, it is good to focus on basic strategy charts (which will tell you what to do given your hand value and the dealer’s up card). These are much easier to remember than perfect blackjack strategy, but even if you never learn any other strategy charts, you can still dramatically lower the house edge by playing basic strategy.

The blackjack table is usually semi-circular and can accommodate between five to seven players (or “spots”). Depending on the casino, some tables will have specific policies regarding who can sit in what seat, and there may be rules about whether or not you can join a game that is already in progress. If you can, though, joining a blackjack table in progress is a good way to get started playing right away.

Each player places their chips into the betting circle in front of them before the deal begins. The dealer then deals two cards to each player and to himself. The player must decide whether to hit or stand, and if they have the option, they can double down. Doubling down means increasing your bet by one additional card. This is a good option when holding a hand that has a strong chance of beating the dealer’s up-card. For example, a pair of 6s against a dealer’s up-card of 5 would be a good situation to double down.

When you hold a hand that totals 21 or more points, this is known as a Blackjack or a Natural. This is a winning hand that pays 3:2 to the player. Other hands can beat a Blackjack, but they must be closer to 21 than the dealer’s hand.

In some cases, the dealer will offer “insurance” when he is showing an Ace. This is a side-bet that the dealer makes, and it is a big money maker for casinos. But, like any other side-bet, you should only make it if you have a solid understanding of the odds.

Some players will place other side-bets on the blackjack table, such as placing bets on a certain color of chip or whether the dealer will bust. These side-bets can add a lot of excitement to the game, but they should be avoided by beginners and only used by players with a solid understanding of the odds. For example, a bet on a black chip against a red one has a very low probability of winning. It’s better to just hit on your first two cards and avoid these types of side-bets altogether.